The Workers For Our 2nd Grade PBL #OurHouse Have Been Hired!

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Our 2nd graders in Tracy Ferguson's class at Van Meter had a very exciting Friday.  It was the day they were interviewing for their #OurHouse PBL jobs! 
When they kicked off their PBL, Let's Make A House Together last week, our friend and author of What Can You Do With A Toolbox, John Colaneri,
announced the six different jobs they could apply for.  You can read all about the kick off day with John and our 2nd graders here

They were so excited as they saw the...
 help that was wanted to build a house.

Each student in Tracy's class would fill out a #OurHouse Job Application for two positions they were interested in for the project.

After Tracy had all of the job applications, she put them into six groups within the job categories and found special people to interview the students.
Mr. Tibbetts, our elementary principal, interviewed the roofers;
 Mr. Barack, our industrial arts teachers, interviewed the electricians;
Kylie Carey, one of our high school students, interviewed the interior designers; and....
John interviewed the construction workers.  
 They all did such a wonderful job....
 ....filling out the #OurHouse Job Applications.
We loved reading through them as we prepared for the interviews too. 
 John, on Skype, and I went to Mr. Tibbett's office for a quiet place for the interviews.
 The students were all dressed so nicely for their interviews and....
 ....came very prepared... talk about their applications and wanting to be a construction worker.
 We loved the thought and....
 ...passion they put into their answers.
All of them had very special stories to share about building, creating, collaborating with their families and their...
 ...interest in doing a good job on the #OurHouse PBL project. We loved how they listened to one another and were interested in their classmates answers and passion too.
As the interviews wrapped up, John had them gather around the laptop to hear who got the jobs as construction workers for the project.
And guess what?  All eight of the 2nd graders got the construction worker jobs!  And boy, were they happy!

We know that our construction workers will join the others in their class to create, build, decorate, market and sell the best cardboard house they can!

Next week as they dig into their jobs, John and the others will be there supporting these kids along the way. By bringing this opportunity to our students, we are giving them a real life experience they will not forget.  It will tie into reading, writing, math, communication, science, social studies, art, research and so much more.

And the best part, they are in charge of their learning.  They are being given a platform to share their talents, passions, knowledge and most of all, their voice.

Stay tuned for more from #OurHouse in Mrs. Ferguson's 2nd grade class at Van Meter!  


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