
This Year's Participants

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If you want to know which houses are giving out the good candy this year, then look no further than the list below. Remember when you stop by to say thank you by leaving them a comment for all the hard work they've put into making Halloween the greatest holiday of the year.

If you do not see yourself on the list and would like to be added, please read this post first. DO NOT leave a request in the comment box below. You will be added asap.

If you are on the list but would like to have us change/correct how you are listed, please let us know in the comments section below. Every effort has been made to make sure everyone who asked to be put on the list has been put on the list, but mistakes happen. Please don't feel slighted, or take it personally. Corrections will be made as quickly as we can.

I would like to thank everyone who responded to this year's email summons, as well as the one posted on this site and who emailed me back letting me know either way about participating this year. I can't tell you how much easier this went this year than past years, so my very sincere thanks on making that so.

If I've counted correctly, we have 192 people participating as of this year's launch, which is down quite a bit from last year,  but I anticipate more will be joining us as we go. While we've lost a few participants from Countdown's past, you'll notice quite a number of new participants joining us for the first time this year, and I hope they'll find the experience enjoyable enough to come back next year. 

Now that that's out of the way it's time to put on your masks and start trick or treating. Happy Halloween!

Acadia Einstein
AEIOU and Sometimes Why
airless chambers
All Eyes and Ears
American Scrapbook
and everything else too
Andrew Barr's Movie Monstars
Anime Hell
Anti-Film School
Armagideon Time
Astro Lounge
Bat N' Kat
Batty's Blog
Being Retro
Big Scare
Bluestocking Farm
Branded in the 80s
Caffeinated Joe
Cannibal Reviews
Caramel Apple Day
Cartoon Holidays
Castle Monster
Catalogue of Curiosities
Caution: Idiot At Play
Cavalcade of Awesome
Celluloid Terror
Celluloid Terror YouTube page
Celtic Pumpkin
Chuck Norris Ate My Baby
Church of Halloween
Cinema Crazed
Cinematic Catharsis
The Comic Treadmill
Comics Oughta Be Fun
Crafty Lady Abby
Craftypants Carol
Craftypants Carol on Tumblr
Creepy LA: The Los Angeles Halloween Blog
The Crooked Ninja Turtle Gang
Crow & Cauldron: A (Mostly) Vintage Halloween Blog
Cult of the Great Pumpkin
Culturally Significant!
Damaen Says
Dark Lord Rob's Terrortorium
Dark Minded Feminist
Dave Lowe Design
D.I. Treasures 
Diane Mac Designs
Diary of a Dorkette
Distinctly Jamaican Sounds
Do the Trick or Treat
Doo Wacka Doodles
The Drop Dead Vince Production Blog
Dwrayger Dungeon
Earth Station One
The Epic Review
Euclid Boo Blog
Fantasy Ink
Felt With Love Designs
A Field Guide to Doomsday
Final Girl
Forgotten Films
Frankenstein Forever
From the Brain of John
From the Mind of Tatlock
The Ghost Town
The Ghoulie Guide
Glorp Gum
The Good, the Bad, and the Magnificent
The Goods
Goodwill Hunting 4 Geeks
Gravedigger's Local 16
Gray Flannel Tumblr
The Grim Gallery 
Ha-Ha! Horror
Hallow-Holics Anonymous
Halloween Hits
Halloween Night
Halloween Short Films
Halloween Special
Hallucination Horrors
Haunted Design House
The Haunted Drive-In
The Haunted Drive-In (Tumblr)
Haunted Eve's Halloween Blog
The Haunted Spookshow of Channel X
Hellowe'en Horror
Higbee Horror Haunt
Highbury Cemetery
Histories of Things to Come
Holiday Film Reviews
Holiday TV
The Holidaze
Horror Blogger Alliance
Horror Writer's Association Blog
The Horrors of It All
Horrors Online
Housecat Emelie's Blog
Howlin' Wolf Records: On-Line Magazine's Two Months of Halloween Celebration
Infinite Hollywood
Incense & Cookies
Into a Barrel and Over My Life
Into the Cauldron
It Came From the Man Cave!
Jackie's Bookbytes
Jaclyn Di Ann's Cauldron of Treats
Jim Fanning's Tulgey Wood
Joe's Rec Room
John Rozum
Just the Stuff Ya Know
KAB's Scribblings
Kweeny Todd
Ladydragon Bride
Lair of the Dork Horde
The Land of Cerpts and Honey
Lee's Halloween Slaylists
The Lightning Bug's Lair
Listing Toward Halloween 
Macabre Republic
A Man Called Da-Da
The Man in the Gray Flannel Suit
The Man in the Gray Flannel Suit on Facebook
Maple Grove Cemetery
Mark Harvey's World
Mark's Super Blog
Massive Fantastic
Me and You and a Blog Named Boo
Michael May's Adventure Blog
Misfit Robot Daydream 
Mixed-Up Monster Club
Monique's Pretty Dark Art
Monster Crazy
Monsterfink's Midnight Monster Spookshow
The Moon is a Dead World
Moongem Comics
Movies at Dog Farm
Mr. Chicken's Yard Haunt
A MummyVision Guide to Hallowe'en on Roku
Musty TV
My Ghoul Friday
My Rotting Brain
My Scary Blog
My Two Yen Worth
Neato Coolville
Negative Pleasure
Nerd Out With Me
The New Adventures of Desdinova
New World Food
Nostalgic Memories
Nostalgic Memories on facebook
The Ol' Sketchbook
On the Stick
One Dark Halloween Night
Orange and Black
OTIS (Odd Things I've Seen)
Pagan Culture
The Parade of Horrorables
Plaid Stallions
Plants & Trees
Plastic Pumpkins
Punch & Judy Productions
R. Minerva: Tarot and Art
Radiator Heaven 
Radiator Heaven (Tumblr)
The Rain Causes Pain In My Brain
Random Acts of Geekery
Rare Halloween Videos
Redecorating Middle-Earth in Early Lovecraft
Retro Toy Safari
Rip Jagger's Dojo
Roger Wilkerson, The Suburban Legend
Ron's Random Stuff
Russian Nerd
Scare Me On Fridays
Secret Sanctum of Captain Video
Seduction of the Innocent
ShellHawk's Nest
Sideshow Cinema
Silent Wierdness
6'+ (Six Foot Plus)
Slash The Zombie
Something wicKED this way comes...
Son of Celluloid
Spooky Laboratory
Spooky Moon
Spooky Scary!
Spooky Soiree
The Spooky Vegan
Step Up to the Mike
Stephanie Buscema's Blog
Strange Kids Club
Swing with Shad
Talk Like a Transylvanian Day
That Was My Foot
Things That Don't Suck
Things To Do In LA
31 Days of Halloween Mixtapes
Trixie's Treats
Uncle Ernie's Creature Ink
Vault of 3-D Sculpts
Whatever Happened to the Transylvania Twist? 
Whatever I Think Of!
Whispers From the Abyss
Who is Afraid of...Mrs. Lovett?
Who Killed Orrin Grey?
The Windesphere Witch
The Witches of Muckmire Marsh
The Witches of Muckmire Marsh (Tumblr)
Wonderful, Beautiful and Strange Finds
Wonderful Wonderblog
The Year of Halloween 


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