Around the house

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------------this must be one of, words fail me. This year Halloween feels...oh, boy am I tired. It's the shchool school thing. I don't have any time.

Feels like I'm in an express grocery store. You know, those stores that are smaller versions of their bigger cousins? You go there just to grab the basics or the semi-prepared.

I've been so busy with school that it's been hard to squeeze in the joy of October and the countdown to Halloween! Even decorating the house has been somewhat minimal. The majority of the two large Halloween bins under the stairs are still full.


Living Room

Living room detail - Print purchased in Wales and it's called "Murder of Crows" by Sarah Janes
EAP is part of the Little Thinkers series and given to me by a dear friend
Bedroom - There's a picture frame on our dresser with our pic from
the tour of Mary King's Close, Edinburgh, 2016.


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