Flipping Library Checkout!

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There is nothing better than having our students in the library finding something special to check out and read.
Our students can come to the library before school and until the end of the day, but also have a specific time each week they can check books out when their classroom comes to the library with their teacher.  This is separate from their library time with Jessica and I, their teacher librarians.
Our amazing library assistant, Diana, is the one who helps our students and teachers with checkout during this time, and of course throughout the day. 

In the morning, she goes around to the classrooms with her cute little book cart to collect books the students have brought back to check in that day.  She even decorates it each month. 

Last week after seeing Diana in the hallway talking about books, sitting checking books out talking about books, and talking books with Jessica and I, I had an idea.  

Why was Diana the one always behind the desk checking out books?  She knows which books we have better than any of us since she is the one cataloging and circulating them each week.  She is amazing at readers advisory with everyone in the our community. 

Why don't we FLIP library checkout and have the teachers do the checkout instead?  
I talked to the idea with Jessica and Diana.  They thought that would be a good idea too! 

It would give Diana a chance to share new books with the students and help them find those perfect books to check out.  
The teachers had fun with it too! 
It was also the perfect time for the teachers to see what books their students checked out and catch those moments of hearing what they thought of the books they were reading too. 

It was a win-win for all!  

In the next month, we are going to be putting self-check into place within our library for all of our students.  This will give our teachers, Diana, Jessica and myself even more opportunities for readers advisory.  

We are all lucky at Van Meter to have Diana.  She is our partner and friend.  Thank you, Di. 


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