HAPPY (halfway point til) HALLOWEEEEEEEEEEN!!!!

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Cody Schibi wishes us a Happy (halfway point til) Halloween with a new Sam print. Check it out below, after the description:

I took TWO things that make giddy people like me silly happy & combined them to hopefully make YOU silly happier! I'm, of course, talking about anything Disney & a certain (now iconic) character which represents Halloween perfectly.... That's right!, featured in the famous silhouette of high-pitched happiness, Mickey Mouse, is non other than SAM from 'TRICK 'r Treat', the protector of Halloween who's always wearing his nightmarish grin which, in return, makes US grin nightmarishly! This is a SUPER limited edition, 8"x 8" art print, limited to ONLY 31 (HEY! That's the number of days in October!!) & they're ONLY $13 (THAT'S the number of days in October REVERSED!!!!) They all come hand signed & numbered. read more or buy here...

Website: codyschibi.com
Store: codyschibi.bigcartel.com
Facebook: facebook.com/CodySchibiArt
Twitter: twitter.com/codyschibi
Instagram: @codyschibi
Tumblr: codyschibi.tumblr.com


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