Grumpy Cat

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Walks on halter with leash...
and sometimes a sweater
Hates the fact that he's an indoor cat now...although he does get two or three walks a day.

But he's not the only one feeling grumpy. Yes this whole big move from the Persian Gulf back to foggy Newfoundland has not been without its challenges.

On the whole things are going well but it is a teeny bit stressful. Hubby's working...for now. I don't have job yet and buying a house looks like it's gonna take longer than anticipated. Even tho I anticipated it would.

We've been busy and it's been hard to get a breath let alone into the Halloween mood. The flesh is willing but the spirit is weak. I guess some year's it's just not gonna happen.

But a few days ago I took a walk up to MUN's campus where I once toiled endlessly on my MA. It was a beautiful October day and being out in it made me remember why we're happy to be back! Here are some pics of that walk...

Duck pond and new students residence
Memorial rose garden (tons of rosehips!)
Courtyard near science building with armillary sphere
Closer look


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