April EHAG Emporium

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The Goblins of Spring have decreed that the appointed hour has arrived.  The April EHAG Emporium is now officially open, with hauntingly Halloweeningly new and original artworks from the artists of EHAG. To make a purchase, please contact the artist individually. Most have included a blog or website where you can view more photos. 
Once a piece is sold, it will be marked as such, as quickly as possible. All pieces will remain available until Sold.
EHAG art is also available through eBay & Etsy.
CLICK HERE to see what's listed on Ebay. Click here for EHAG art on Etsy.
Happily Haunting Shopping to All! 

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"Le Evil Eye"

Postcard by Christopher A. Klingler of Designs By CK.


$75.00 (includes S&H)

Available for purchase at: http://www.lelab.blogspot.com/

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"Queen of the Dead"

by Candace Navarrete of Howling Moon Designs


This regal Skeleton Doll Stands 20" tall

and is made from clay and wire.


Price: $175

with FREE Insurance and Traveling Expenses


For more pics and Info go to:


To Purchase, Please Email me:


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"Vergie the Veggie"

created by Arbutus Hunter 



Spun Cotton ornament with poseable arms and head, 
Vergie has ruffled crepe paper collar and glass eyes.

He measures a wee 3 1/4" tall not including his traditional looped thread hanger.


$95.00 with free shipping included anywhere in the U.S.

See additional pictures: ArbutusHunter.Blogspot.Com

Website: Spun Cotton Ornament Co.

Auctions: eBay

Web Shop: Etsy

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"Potion Mistress" 

Black Hat Potion Sign

by Deborah Adams of Possible Impossibilities Studio


Handmade wooden sign, including copper tacks and a witch's hat cut out of the birch wood.

The Potion Mistress Witch is sculpted of Paperclay.

Wire bat wings are set behind the Witch and her white hair is made of sheep's wool.

Distressed with Acrylic paint.

17 1/8in long x 6 3/4" to top of witch's head.


$100.00 - Includes shipping

Can be purchased at http://www.etsy.com/shop/possiblimstudio

Additional photos at www.Possiblim.blogspot.com

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"Plum Sauce"

An original creation sculpted in paper clay

from the slightly warped mind of Trish Stover.


Each Halloween she waits by the gate for Trick or Treaters, but they don't dare venture down her dark lane.  It's sad, because she's very fond of children ....especially with plum sauce.


 $275 plus actual shipping costs.

For more info and photos see  http://stonecroftoriginals.blogspot.com/

email: ciarino@rogers.com

thank you as always, for your interest in my art.

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"What Do the Ghoulish Folk Do?"

from Cornerstoregoddess Eleanor Burian-Mohr


Dracula and Frankenstein's Monster ponder how other Halloween folk pass their time during the off-season.


a bracelet of sterling silver

with lampwork glass, sterling silver, goldstone, onyx, opalite, pressed glass, crystals, & petwer charm

$120 includes 1st class shipping

For more info and pictures, and to purchase, visit the ghoulish folk at


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"The Magical Pantry"

by Carolee Clark of King of Mice Studios



Acrylics on wooded cupboard (tabletop or wall hanging), with hinged door.

Measures 10 3/4" x 7" x 4 3/4".


$185 plus shipping, which varies by location.

Additional photos (including tiny surprise inside) and detailed description at www.kingofmicestudios.blogspot.com or email carolee@kingofmice.com to purchase.

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"Chester The Skeleton"

Chicken Lips - David H. Everett



This Halloween Skelly loves to dress up in style!


Papier mâché, 13" high

$135 (plus $10 UPS shipping)

To purchase or view more photos visit http://www.etsy.com/shop/chickenlipsfolkart

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"Pulp Friction"

by Lori Rudolph of Retro Rudolph's

One of a kind ~ Papier mâché composition Jack O' Lantern ~

Candy Container and Luminary



Size approx. 7.5 inches high by 9.0 inches wide by 26.0 inches in circumference.

$175.00 (plus airmail shipping)

To purchase please email: therudolphs@sympatico.ca

For more photos please visit my blog: http://www.retrorudolphs.blogspot.com/

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"Patchouli the Witch"

Designed by: P.K. Gracia of "Soft in the Head"



8" mohair mouse dressed in black velvet and mounted on a wood base.

$118.00 free shipping within the continental U.S.

email: softinthehead@gmail.com

Details at: www.softinthehead.blogspot.com


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